1. Texts on the Centre Æquatoria's history and ideology
2. Colonial biographies, bibliographies and tables of colonial journals [in French only]
3. Geographical maps [in French only]
4. Colonial correspondence [in French only]
5. Colonial history
6. Colonisation, African perspectives, resistance
7. Mongo literature: Nsong'a Lianja [in French only]
7b. Mongo literature: other
8. Colonial architecture and social geography: Mbandaka and others
9. Colonial art [in French only]
10. Linguistics, ethnology, and musicology
- Albert De Rop, 1956, Lomongo Syntax (Louvain)
- Albert De Rop, 1958, Lomongo Grammar: phonology and morphology (Lovanium)
- Albert De Rop, 1958, Lomongo historical phonoloy
- Honoré Vinck, 2016, Adaptation de la musique traditionnelle mongo (RDC) à l'usage liturgique et la création d'oratoires religieux. 1930-1960
- Honoré Vinck, 2023, Historiographie mongo (RDC): de l'oral à l'écrit
11. Documents related to protestantism in the Congo, 1902-1969